If this looks like a ransom letter ....

... there's a reason.
When NEXT|TV predicts the (way too early) demise of broadcast television. When the storied New York Times calls out the soup of unwanted, irrelevant digital advertising splashing into our everyday. When Marketron talks about "dynamic pricing" as their answer to revenue shortfalls and INSIDERADIO brags about growth in digital revenue without a word on radio itself. Well.
Even Google and Microsoft are scrambling to incorporate ChatGPT AI or its equivalent into. Something. Anything! While laying off thousands of employees to prop up their stock price. And Facebook's revenues have declined for the first time. Ever.
But there's also this:
Clients, big or small, are ALWAYS people first.
And people respond to people like them, and stories that leverage everyday human experiences. Even for the most serious of offerings, a little humor - handled judiciously - or even splatter-painted - can open a lot of doors. And close a lot of business.
Sure, you can race to the bottom and lower prices or rates. But. Maybe we could just offer more value, and better solutions..
Let's close some new business together.
And then let's KEEP IT.